Friends at Cytron Technologies are going to launch an Arduino compatible Maker UNO board at KickStarter. They send me an early production board for review. So here are my two cents worth….
Is ESP8266 I/O really 5V tolerant?
Recently there are some discussion regarding whether ESP8266 I/Os are 5V tolerant. The most active one being the article on Hackaday. The same article was shared on ESP8266 Facebook group and Espressif…
First sight into ESP32
So I am one of the 200 lucky bastards who receive the Espressif ESP32 beta units. It arrives in a nicely printed packaging which resembles very much like a jewel box. And…
ESP8266 MQTT client on RTOS
In the recent Maker Faire I demonstrated an ESP8266 MQTT VFD clock. Some readers had wrote to ask for the soure code. Because the project was builtup within only 2 days, the…
Maker Faire, Yearly Review, and Rant
Well I’ve been bit lapse. This post is supposed to written in July. Another year, another Maker Faire. Yes! for this year it is nolonger “Mini Maker Faire”, we’ve just upgraded to…
TrueSTUDIO STM32 project to GCC Makefile converter
Since I wrote the STM32CubeMX to Makefile converter, a lot of people have been helping to improve the project. Thanks! Meanwhile I also heard a lot of complaints about the quality of STM32Cube…
STM32CubeMX GCC Makefile project
Writing peripheral initialization code is probably the most tedious work in embedded development. It always successfully stops me from starting a new project. I believe engineers at STMicroelectronics share the same pain. Therefore…
ESP8266 breadboard adapter and I’m on Tindie
The rise of the ESP8266 WiFi chip was almost overnight with Espressif’s open approach and pushing from Hackaday. While no ground-breaking product has yet emerged, the development on the chip are phenomenon….
Macbook Bluetooth upgrade for LightBlue Bean
During last year’s blackfriday sale I was introduced to the epic Lightblue Bean “Cheaper than a turkey” promotion. I grabbed two beans during a group buy spree. A week later’s The AmpHour interview with…
Happy New Year from ESP8266
Happy New Year!