Maker Faire to me was a carnival to enjoy on the web. Being mostly held in the US area, I’m simply denied the luxury of attending it. So when I received a news letter from about their promotions during Singapore Mini Maker Faire 2012, I’m stunned.
It is a day to remember, 4th August 2012, that I attended the inaugural Singapore Mini Maker Faire 2012 (#SMMF12).

Door gift, a SMMF12 badge with blinking LED light.

A paper Optimus Prime guards the entrance. Size does matter, is it?

Seems everybody is talking about 3D printer. This is the famous MakerBot Replicator.

“Portabee”, selling at much cheaper S$600 as a kit. It is foldable and “portable”. The interesting feature is that all the plastic parts are actually 3D-printed (chicken-n-egg story!) . I think a wise way to use it is to print a set of spare parts before they wear out.

A rotating LED POV display by RS-Components (DesignSpark), demonstrating Renesas GR-SAKURA board. I wonder how reliable the connection rings are.

A beautiful laser-cut Raspberry Pi case by 3DGadgets. Wish I can have one.

Had a chat with Mr. Adrian Koh from 3EGadgets. He shows me the wire wrapping on his LED board. Impressive!

An Augmented Reality game by Mr. Masahiko Adachi. Kids love it!

Electronics Puzzle by Mr. Masahiko Adachi again. To my guess upon finishing you should have a working radio.

Angry Bird game by National Instruments. Impressed by the improvements of Labview.

Had a nice chat with Ian of Dangerous Prototypes. Great to meet some celebrity (can I have a nicer photo?) We talked about ATX bench power supply, Bus Pirate, Shenzhen electronics market, and he introduces me to

I also had a long chat with NUS-HCI lab students and their supervisor. Nice to meet you Biyan, Brian, Kin Yong and Shengdong. I love the Tangible Programming Toolkit. What a pitty I didn’t take a photo! Oh!
Finally my tribute to If not for your news letter I would not know this amazing event! Anyway I got your discount coupon. Let me support your web shop 😀
It is really nice to meet the maker community here in Singapore. Shall I setup a booth next year?
Hi there! Great post! Do set up a booth if you can! 🙂
Thanks. Am putting pressure on myself to come out something show-able 😉
I was there as well! My blog post here@ Hope to see more of such event in future.