My name is Baoshi. In Chinese “BAOSHI” means “gem stone”. People love gem stone, registered such an unexciting domain name and asked a ransom for it. I cannot afford decided to ignore. Hence comes “ba0sh1”, a digitized version of me.
My first electronics project was a “single diode radio receiver” (which does receive 1 channel ), in the early 1980s. At age of 13 I joined a local hobbyist group in Shanghai, where I got my hands onto digital electronics and micro processors. I enrolled in Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1993 major in measurement and automation. During the term my interest gradually moved away from electronics into computer programming. In year 2000 I migrated to Singapore in pursuit of Ph.D degree at National University of Singapore. Since then I worked in a local IT company dealing with computer security. I was away from electronics world for so long until this brings back my interest. This blog is for self-motivating. I’ll write about electronics, computers and everything that comes out of my 5m2 storage room cum electronics lab. Hopefully these are of interest to you.