To all my readers: Wish you a very Merry Christmas.
Minimalism AVR development board
Lacking of proper development board always poses huge resistance for me to jump onto a new MCU. Even with the most prototyping friendly DIP packages, wiring a programming header onto the breadboard is both…
Singapore Mini Maker Faire 2014, from Visitor to Maker
Singapore Mini Maker Faire has entered into the 3rd year. Being at the right time (long weekend) and right location (community club), the turn out is overwhelming. Same overwhelming is the wide range of…
HOWTO: Use STM32 SPI half duplex mode
I’ve got my hands onto some STM32F030F4P6 ARM-Cortex M0 processors. Though touted as “32 cents 32-bit micro”, it is not that inexpensive from DigiKey in one-off quantity ($1.45). However it is still cheaper…
FlappyDuino – Arduino Day 2014 celebration
March 29 2014 is Arduino’s 10 years birthday, also the World’s Arduino Day. In conjunction with the global celebration, SG Makers in partnership with IDA is organizing a whole series of events for Singapore Arduino lovers….
HOWTO: Write a display driver for SEGGER emWin
One lucky day you wake up to find your dream of creating sophisticated graphics user interface for MCU projects comes true, because STMicroelectronics has released a free version of SEGGER emWin for…
JTAG adapter for Arduino Micro
For the holiday season I get myself an AVR JTAGICE3. Holding the new shiny emulator and a bunch of Arduino boards, what shall I do? Of course to hop onto the all-hail…
FT230X charger detection investigation
I bought some FT230X (FT230XS) USB-USART bridge chip recently for a new design. FT230X is not only cheaper than the traditional FT232RL, but also offers a new fancy “USB charger detection” function….
Singapore Mini Maker Faire, 2nd year
Well I should have written this earlier since the Singapore Mini Maker Faire 2013 (#SMMF13) has passed for weeks. This is the second year of the event and the venue was relocated…
Hacking a cheap LED voltmeter
I’m planning to build a EEVblog-ish constant dummy load for battery and power supply testing. Dave in his build used a LCD voltmeter for the display. In the senseless pursuit of difference, I…